Titmar Family Stars

Date of birth:
26 November, 2013
черный с белым биколор (n 03)
Ch. Catalina Family Stars
Ch. Leaena Tennessee
Oxana Abdulkhakova
Kristina Chaikina
About Titmar
Titmar Family Stars is a wonderful, large, heavy boned boy with good type and an excellent ear set and size! This boy has a gentle soul and a mild disposition: he is ready to spend the whole day on Your knees giving a lot of love and purring to everyone :)
We are very gratefull to Oxana Abdulkhakova for this sweet and gentle man in black! :)
Kittens Titmar
23 April, 2015
Litter "С":
Free -
the kitten is free and looking for a new lovely family :)
Option -
kitten interested, but You are free to ask about this baby.
Reserved -
this baby was reserved for new home :)
Sold -
this baby has found his new home and family ^_^
31 December, 2014
Litter "L":
Free -
the kitten is free and looking for a new lovely family :)
Option -
kitten interested, but You are free to ask about this baby.
Reserved -
this baby was reserved for new home :)
Sold -
this baby has found his new home and family ^_^
30 December, 2014
Litter "D":
Free -
the kitten is free and looking for a new lovely family :)
Option -
kitten interested, but You are free to ask about this baby.
Reserved -
this baby was reserved for new home :)
Sold -
this baby has found his new home and family ^_^
22 November, 2014
Litter "O":
Free -
the kitten is free and looking for a new lovely family :)
Option -
kitten interested, but You are free to ask about this baby.
Reserved -
this baby was reserved for new home :)
Sold -
this baby has found his new home and family ^_^
29 October, 2014
Litter "K":
Free -
the kitten is free and looking for a new lovely family :)
Option -
kitten interested, but You are free to ask about this baby.
Reserved -
this baby was reserved for new home :)
Sold -
this baby has found his new home and family ^_^