Our sweet, tender and amazing blue-eyed girl from Slovakia.
We were looking for our treasured baby for a very long time and at one day we saw site of "CaDazz" cattery (Slovakia)... We didn't find our sweet Windy there, but we saw her older brother from previous litter and from that moment my love to high-white and harlequin colored maine coons have started and I think it's for a very long time :)
So, when we wrote into this cattery we had a hope that maybe someday we will have such a beautiful baby in our home and we received an answer that new litter from the same matting was born :) It was a destiny! :)
After some time we decided that Windy is our girl - my heart was beating faster when I was looking on her baby's photos, - all babies was very beautiful and it was hard choice, but I try always follow my heart and my own feeling... So, from that time Windy was our future girl...
But our life surprises us sometimes :) And in our case we received big and amazing surprise - when Windy grew up a little her breeder - Dagmar Rybarikova, - wrote to us that our girl has blue eyes!!! It was amazing news :) And I can say now that these eyes could make every heart beating faster! It's like a sky - beautiful and gorgeous.
So now we are happy owners of very special, tender, unbelievable beautiful and big girl - Windy.
But... Except this blue-eyed treasure we received one more life-gift - now we have very good, kind, smart, wonderful friend and mentor - Dagmar Rybarikova - breeder of our Windy.
Thank You very much, dearest Dagmar, for Your amazing girl, for Your friendship and help! I'll try to do all the best and to be the best mommy for Your tender girl and a worthy friend for You!